Tuesday evening 30 July 2024: Gulash party at the Courtyard of the Premonstratensian Secondary School
prepared by Sándor Kája, cantor of the Basilica of Máriabesnyő, his father, Sándor and by „Amenza”
- marhagulyás vagy
hamis gulyásleves (vegetáriánus)
- meggyes-mákos palacsinta (vaniliasodóval)
- beef goulash soup or
fake goulash soup (vegetarian)
- cherry and poppy seed pancakes with vanilla custard
Weekly menu served by Amenza (individual meals for people on very special diets!)
Wednesday 31 July 2024: lunch
- Újházi tyúkhúsleves vagy
zöldborsóleves (vegetáriánus)
- túrós csusza szalonnapörccel vagy cukorral/borssal (vegetáriánus)
- „Újházi” chicken soup or
green pea soup (vegetarian)
- cottage cheese with bacon or sugar/pepper (vegetarian)
Thursday 1 August 2024: lunch
- hideg meggyleves (vegetáriánus, gluténmentes) tejjel vagy növényi tejjel (laktózmentes)
- rántott csirke petrezselymes burgonyapürével vagy /
roston csirke petrezselymes burgonyával (gluténmentes) vagy
rántott sajt petrezselymes burgonyapürével (vegetáriánus)
- cold cherry soup (vegetarian, gluten-free) with milk or vegetable milk (lactose-free)
- fried chicken with parsley mashed potatoes or
grilled chicken with parsley potatoes (gluten free) and pickled cucumber or
fried cheese with parsley mashed potatoes (vegetarian)
Thursday 1 August 2024: dinner
- rakott burgonya (a tejföl laktózérzékenység miatt külön tálalva) almapaprikával vagy
magyaros lecsó (vegetáriánus)
- casserole potatoes (sour cream separately for lactose intolerants) with „apple” peppers or
Hungarian lecho (vegetarian)
Friday 2 August 2024: lunch, snack (meat-free day)
Saturday 3 August 2024: lunch
- szárnyas raguleves vagy
zöldségleves (vegetáriánus)
- vargabéles baracklekvárral
- poultry stew or
vegetable soup (vegetarian)
- noodle pie („vargabéles”) with apricot jam (vegetarian)